Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mike is finished with his graduate class as of today, yippy yay yo! Now he only has two classes in the spring and his internship next year, then he will be totally done. So excited!

We went to a playdate at our good friend Tanya's house today. It was so much fun with lots of good company to chit chat with while we were there. Just a great group of ladies today, so thankful to be a part of this wonderful group of mommies. Ruby loved playing ring around the rosy with her friends. Elsie was perfectly content sitting on the floor and checking out all the awesome new items around her. So funny. Everyone kept commenting on how great she was and they loved that she was so smily. Diana took lots of pictures of her on her new camera. Can't wait to take a peak.

We went home with just enough time for a light lunch and nap for Ruby. She didn't want to go down at first, but quickly fell asleep and slept for almost 3 hours. I had to wake her up so that we could go to pick up her cousins to head to the carousel. Ruby was so excited to spend time with Kylar and Ciara. She laughed and talked with them on the ride to the carousel. Ciara had to squeeze into the second row of seats because I didn't have the third row up. It worked out pretty good though and Ruby loved having her next to her. Kylar sat next to me. When we finally got to Riverpark Square, we quickly got out and put both girls in the stroller and headed inside the mall to take the elevator down to the main floor. At the bottom, we headed out to the street and it was frigid. We all ran most of the way to the carousel to get there faster. Ruby enjoyed riding in the stroller and watching us huff and puff to the entrance. Ruby ate a cookie and then rode the carousel two times with her Grandma. She wanted to me to stay with Elsie and my mom to ride with her. Ciara was usually right near her. She loved it, waving to me as she went around. By this time we were all hungry and headed back to Riverpark Square food court to get a bite to eat. Ruby and I ate mexican food, she loved her chicken quesadillas, ate them all. I had nachos and they were really good too. I haven't had nachos in forever, one of my favorites. My mom held Elsie for quite some time. I was surprised by how calm Elsie was since it was now getting so close to her bedtime. We just kept her entertained by a random items while we talked. Ciara wanted to ride with me to Walmart, Ruby was thrilled. We drove there and I dropped her off to meet my mom and Kylar. Ruby laughed and talked to Ciara the entire ride to Walmart. She was so tired, but kept saying that she wasn't. She always rubs her belly button with her finger when she is tired. Her eye was really pink and irritated in the corner, I was starting to think that it was pink eye. When we got home, I sat her on the counter so I could see it better and when I pulled her eyelid up it actually was just bloodshot from a eyelash that was stuck under the bottom lid. I think that is all it was, thank goodness, I guess we will see for sure in the morning.

Ruby stayed up late to see her Daddy. She was so tired and fell right asleep since it was almost 10 when she finally got in bed. Another busy day tomorrow, working out with Angie and then going to town for a horse drawn carriage ride. Can't wait!

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