Friday, June 17, 2011

Three days without nursing...

On June 15th, Elsie went to bed and didn't ask to nurse so I went with it. Of course, eventually she did ask but I kept telling her that she was a big girl now and didn't need to nurse. She finally fell asleep without any trouble. Also, she had missed her nursing at naptime too, so this was the first official day of no nursing. Yesterday, she missed her naptime nursing and I told her she was a big girl again at night. She kept say she wanted to nurse and was alittle sad, but finally fell asleep with my next to her. Today at naptime, she was so tired and crying. She kept asking to nurse, but I stuck by my decision to stop nursing. I held her in my arms and moved her back and forth while I sang, which calmed her down. Then I decided to lay her back in bed, and lay beside her. She was sad, but fell asleep pretty quickly.

It is time, but it makes me sad too. Elsie will probably be my last and nursing came so easily with her. She is such a soft and cuddly baby/toddler and settles so easily while nursing. I will just miss it all, but at the same time I am ready to move on into the next stage.

The girls are enjoying eachother so much right now, I am loving it! Ruby tries to take care of Elsie all day long now and looks forward to playing with her. Elsie used to get mad when Ruby would try to hold her hand or pick her up. Now she happily hangs on and enjoys the experience. Ruby even has tried to change Elsie's diaper, and she came pretty close to doing it correctly. So funny. They are just so sweet to watch and I am thankful everyday for the experiences I share with them.

Elsie is talking up a storm right now. Most people are shocked when they hear her. Her expressions and personality are so so cute. She always say, "Mom, I funny!" and she really is! They both are so much fun.

Elsie has both her upper eye teeth coming in now and they are taking awhile. The one on her left side basically has barely poked through the gums, and the one on her right side you can actually feel poking out a bit and even see it. She occasionally says, "Mom, my teeth!" when she feels them pushing. Can't wait to see how they look once they come in!

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