Elsie is....
- saying all sorts of new words and phrases. She loves to say her name after you say it, today she started saying Ruby's name and it sounds like "Bybee", at night I started singing the days of the week song to her and noticed that she is saying "Tuesday" from that song (she looks up at me with a big grin as I sing to her and says Tuesday over and over), she says "There you go", "bye", and "Thank you" all the time. She also says "Yay!" and claps now when something exciting is going on.
- She loves to be dressed and to try on shoes. Ruby liked this too, but I can actually say that Elsie LOVES it. She will actually put her foot into the shoe for you and put her legs and arms through the holes of the clothing.
- She started riding the rocking horse we have and can climb about anything we have in sight, especially furniture. The good thing now is that she mostly know how to get down so it isn't as scary as before.
- She just recently became interested in buckling and unbuckling. She will watch with so much curiosity and try to help out. She climbs up to her little highchair and tries to practice with the belt.
- I started this "mmmmmm-ah" sound as we kiss eachother and now she does that all the time to say goodnight to us. She especially loves to kiss her sister at night, it is so sweet to see them both make the sound and get close to eachother to give kisses.
- She now has both her top teeth poking through, they are coming in so slowly that it is hard to keep track of the exact day that they popped through. She has two on the bottom and two on the top now. She loves biting into crunchy food now and does pretty good with so few teeth.
- She is loving utensils, especially forks that she can poke into food with. I can give her a bowl of food and a spoon and she will just eat away. Today she noticed that we were dipping our chips in salsa and I kept giving her pieces of chips to eat. She held it out and did a dipping motion with the chip toward the salsa. Mike and I were both worried that it was too hot for her so Mike took her hand and acted like he was dipping it for her. She didn't buy it one bit and kept putting the chip back out to get dipped, so smart!
- now officially had her first boat ride. Today we went out on our friends boat and she loved it and was waving at the person on the tube as we pulled them around.
Ruby is....
- saying the darndest things these days. Today we were headed to the lake and in the durango, she had her feet hanging out the window. I told her that she had to put them back in because we could get in trouble for her doing that, she told me that she was doing it because she wanted to "bask in the sun". She has been picking up on so many interesting phrases and Mike keep looking at eachother like where did she come up with that one.
- loving being outdoors. Mike thinks that I take them out too much and that is all she wants to do anymore...but really what kid doesn't want to be outdoors once they are exposed to it. So many more opportunities to explore than sitting inside all day.
- being more gentle with her sister and playing more with her as well. I am catching them in hugs and kissing and just plain playing together more these days. Before she would just get irritated with Elsie using her toys and now they will spend at least an hour engaging so sort of fun interaction.
- riding her bike so well right now. Mike and I stand at opposite ends of the street and have her ride back and forth between us. Ruby can peddle the whole way up the street and then turn the bike around and peddle back down. We are working on braking, she is getting better with it but has a hard time remembering and thinking ahead about when to use it. She was doing great with it the last time we were out though.
- enjoying having Daddy home more this summer. He is here every night to put her to bed and they have a whole routine going on. Recently she figured out that she could get out of bed and call out things to keep us coming back in and delay bedtime. She will do anything to get Daddy to come back in.
- not into lake water. When we were out in the water today, she would not even put her feet to the ground because she didn't like the way it felt on them and the plant floating on the water. Interesting!
- getting so good at drawing things...yesterday she drew a flag and I was amazed by how much it looked like the real thing. Everytime she sees a flag she says, "Look Mom! There's an American flag!"
Mike finished his last day of classes this summer for his master's program. So excited for our future. Hoping he can make it through the difficulty coming up next year as he manages his internship and teaches full-time.
I have been running at night when possible. I do it once the girls are down. I run around our neighborhood and I can run one and a quarter miles non-stop so far. Looking forward to building up this skill over time. I have also lost 10 pounds over the past few months, makes me feel so much better. I think it has to do with chasing Elsie around and eatting better meals with the CSA goodies we get each week.
We are planning a trip to Montana in September for our anniversary. So excited and it is only 200 miles away. Something to look forward to in the near future!